This morning I read something interesting. Top NASA scientists while discussing
safety issues with congressmen about undetected possible meteor strike if
impacted have potential to wipe out entire city, were urging people to PRAY.
I was thinking why would they use the word 'Pray', another reason being we
don't have the technology to detect those objects coming right out of sun and
if that mad event took place, we could do nothing but be miserable victims. We
literally can do nothing but die. Though they're assuring that we might have that
technology within 20 years. But still, why would they say 'PRAY'? At one point,
I felt totally helpless after I heard that and then afterwards powerful for no reason,
I dunno why.
There are unconfirmed news about meteor blast that took place last month
in Russia, despite being catostrophic in nature possessing nuclear energy of
devastating atomic bombs, was blasted midair before it could reach the
surface. Few news agency made reckless comments about meteor being hit by missile/rocket
blasted off from government end to deter the aftermath. Few days later,
no such announcements were made from authority. News just took different turn and despite
carrying energy of that magnitude, meteor didn't do much but residents were
left with aftershock like effects which shook their buildings and broke few windows
here and there because meteor mysteriously self-destructed on air.
But one thing scientists still do acknowledge today that if it had impacted right on
surface, it would have completely changed the map of that region. They
also do agree that something had happened to meteor 2 sec before it blasted mid air.
That didn't become news.
That kind of burning off normally takes place when meteor plunge right into our atmosphere,
thousands feet above the surface, not few hundred feet above the ground. It must be really
big to be in that size which was seen last month in russia after going through the hurdles in
our atmosphere, impact was imminent but for no apparent reason, magically it turns into
smithereens just few hundred feet above the ground.
These scientists are mum what really happened out there, they have no specific reason and
then come these skeptics who claim it was some ufo that caused it.
Is that what they were refering to when they said 'PRAY', are they silently acknowledging
entities other than us? Who knows..
This video shows NASA scientist asking people to pray
Here top physicist talks about prospect of our future in terms safety from these shooting objects.
And this one shows detail observation of impact caused by mysterious object midair which they're claiming the deed of some benevolent
entities(UFO) out there.
Food for thought,
Have a nice one all :D