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Sajha Business Review
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Reston, Fairfax, Manassas, VA
Phone :: 703-507-2367
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"Buy a House; Make it your Home."

Owing a house is called an American Dream, You just dream and I will work on to it's fulfillment.

My NO.1 Priority is to Fulfill your NEEDS.

Internet is a great source for a home search and research to be started no matter whether you are relocating or moving across town. You feel free to Register at our website. Once you register here I will start sending the houses that fall under your initial criteria at your inbox. On side by side you need a trained and knowledgeable interpreter to explain the data you have seen at the internet.

I specialize on Exclusive Buyer Representation. As a buyer agent I represent you not the seller. I am committed to giving my clients a quality representation, based on high degree of professionalism, integrity, confidentiality and loyalty.

I always represent my clients only. I negotiate the best absolute price for the property, You are always protected. I will make the transaction as simple as possible and very easy to understand and work through.

Cost For your Representation: NO COST TO YOU. This is because the fee is paid by the sellers and builders under the principals of co-brokerage.

SELLER REPRESENTATION: I do not shop to find sellers only work with previously served clients, friends and families, and under referrals with strong recommendations

Sajha Reviews ::

July 06, 2015 12:22:44

Amit Gautam
December 01, 2014 00:22:54
Hello, I have a land in Narayanthan, Kathmandu Nepal. Do you have any buyer who is willing to buy land in Kathmandu.mail me in Amit Gautam
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