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Sajha Business Review
Tantra Crafts
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New York, NY
Phone :: 9177203622
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Tantra Crafts we are a family owned company. We gather arts and crafts from various third world countries from people who have no exposure and help them, market their products to a wider range. In turn helping them and their families earn a stable income and help them attain a better standard of living.

@ Tantra Crafts we are committed to providing the highest quality Handmade Statues and Crafts to our loyal customers. They are rare and made with great care (Oh! it actually rhymes), imported from various different countries around the world. 

Most of these statues and items are used in the ancient art of Vastu, Feng Shui and yoga. Helping you develop a Sound Mind and Body connection.

We commit to helping you develop a more prosperous and joyful LIFE together. 

To a awsome life !
Sajha Reviews ::

July 06, 2015 12:20:21
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