मध्यपुर, थिमी, (नेस)। गीत गायन प्रतिभाको खोजीमूलक चर्चित भारतीय स्पर्धा इन्डियन आइडलका नेपालीमूलका प्रतिभाशाली स्पर्धी युवा प्रशान्त तामाङको पक्षमा जनर्समर्थन जुटाउन मध्यपुर थिमीका युवाहरू कम्मर कसेर लागेका छन्।
स्थानीय गठ्ठाघर चोकमा प्रशान्त हाइ-हाइ अंकित ब्यानर टाँगेर र्समर्थन बटुल्न गठ्ठाघरस्थित मध्यपुर ब्याइज बैन्डको टोली लागिपरेको हो।
मध्यपुर ब्याइज बैन्डका अध्यक्ष सुनील वज्राचार्यका अनुसार प्रशान्त इन्डियल आइडल बनून् भनेर मध्यपुरका बासिन्दालाई प्रार्थना गर्न प्रेरित गर्ने कार्य भइरहेको छ भने साथमा शुभकामनास्वरूप हस्ताक्षर संकलन भइरहेको छ।
यसैबीच FINAL राउन्डमा भिडिरहेका प्रशान्तले शुक्रबार रातिको स्पर्धामा आफ्नो स्वर माधुर्यताका साथ प्रस्तुत गर्दै दर्शकको मात्र होइन, सो प्रतियोगिताका सम्पूर्ण निर्णायक संगीतकर्मीको तारिफ पाए।
निर्णायकहरूले प्रशान्तलाई इन्डियन आइडलको उम्दा गायकको रूपमा तारिफ गर्दै उनले इन्डियन आइडलको झन्डा फहराउने चर्चा गरेका थिए।
दार्जिलिङ, 'इन्डियन आइडल' को सेमिफाइनल संस्करणले प्रशान्त तामाङका शुभेच्छुकहरूलाई खुसी हुने थप मौका दिएको छ । शनिबार उनी अन्तिम चरणमा पुग्न सफल भएका छन् । उनको जन्मथलो दार्जिलिङ र सिक्किमका सहरदेखि गाउँसम्म खुसियाली छाएको छ ।
दर्शक भोट आधारमा कोलकाताका इमोन चटर्जी बाहिरिएकाले फाइनलमा प्रशान्तले मेघालयका अमित पालको सामना गनर्ुपर्नेछ ।
प्रशान्त 'टप टु' मा परेको औपचारिक घोषणा शनिबार रातिको कार्यक्रममा गरिए पनि दिउँसैदेखि दार्जिलिङमा उनी जोगिएको खबर फैलिएको थियो । मुम्बईस्थित स्रोतले 'प्रशान्तले जितेको' समाचार दिएपछि शुभेच्छुकहरू खुसी बाँड्न चोकचोकमा भेला भएका थिए ।
प्रशान्तको लगातार जितसँगै हौसिएका दार्जिलिङे पmयानहरू एसएमएस गर्न अनेक कार्यक्रम गरी खर्च जोहो गरिरहेका छन् नै, यसका लागि नेपालतिरकाहरू पनि आउने क्रम बढेको छ । शुक्रबार मात्रै छुट्टाछुट्टै तीन समूहमा आएका प्mयानहरूले करिब ४० हजार रुपैयाँ प्रशान्तका परिवारलाई प्रदान गरे । चितवनबाट पनि सहयोग जुट्दै छ । पूर्वका विभिन्न जिल्लाबाट नेपालीले हरेक साता यतै आई एसएमएस गरिरहेका छन् ।
'प्रशान्तको अबको लडाइँ आइडलका लागि हो,' प्रचार अभियानमा सक्रिय सञ्चारकर्मी विमल राईले भने ।
काठमाडौं घर भई हाल अमेरिका बस्ने चन्द्रप्रकाश शर्माले एसएमएसका लागि ठूलो धनराशि प्रशान्तका आफन्तलाई पठाएका छन् । जापान, हङकङ, बु्रनाई, बेलायतका नेपालीले समेत रकम पठाइरहेका छन् । सिक्किम सरकारले भोट गर्न विभिन्न स्थानमा टेलिफोन बुथलाई निःशुल्क गरेको छ ।
यसैबीच, प्रशान्तको पछिल्लो उपलब्धिले काठमाडौंका पmयानहरूलाई पनि उत्साहित बनाएको छ । बौद्धका युवाले शनिबार अबेर रातिसम्म पटका पड्काएर खुसी साटासाट गरे । 'उनको जितले सबै नेपालीको गौरव बढाएको छ,' गृहिणी सजना लामाले भनिन् ।
PRASHANT’S SAGA OF SINGING: The Soldier reaches the final frontier --------------------------------
By Avash Karmacharya
Prashant Tamang, a hard working boy from the idyllic hills of Darjeeling got through to the grand finale of the highly watched reality show on Sony TV — Indian Idol after Saturday night's elimination round. With Emon, one of the Top 3 contestants, being voted out, Prashant will be vying for this mega title with Amit Paul in next week's grand finale. However, Prashant and Amit will still have to wait for two more weeks to win this competition.
On Friday night's gala round, Prashant sang popular Hindi songs such as the legendary Kishore Kumar's Ek Ladki Bheegy Bhagi Si and Kunal Ganjawala's Bhige Hoth Tere. Similarly, Emon who got ousted sang Ye Jo Mohabbat Hai and Ban Ke Tera Jogi while another finalist of this ground breaking phenomena — Amit Paul sang Kora Kagaaz Tha Ye Mann Mera and Gustakh Dil.
Talking more about Prashant being selected for the final gala, Benup Raj Bhattarai, Kantipur reporter in Darjeeling shared Saturday afternoon, “One of sources in Mumbai revealed us that Emon got voted out. And as always, people in Darjeeling are celebrating his success like anything. People from Chitawan have also started coming to the town to vote for him. By Friday night, Prashant's family received Rs 40,000 from the locals of Chitawan district alone.â€
Benup further revealed, “Chandra Prakash Sharma, who resides in the USA has sent a huge amount to vote for Prashant. Apart from the States, Nepalis living, studying or working in places such as Japan, Hong Kong, Brunei and the UK have also been sending money to PCOs in Darjeeling. Each individual is sending his/her maximum votes to support Prashant so as to make him the Indian Idol.â€
City Post tried to catch up with Prashant Tamang in Mumbai over phone. However, since he wasn't available we instead caught hold of Udit Narayan Jha along with other jury members Anu Malik, Javed Akhtar and Alisha Chinnai on Saturday afternoon wherein they shared their joy for Prashant to reach to the finale.
‘He's singing better by the day’ Udit Narayan Jha, Singer
Since I'm also a Nepali I've deep sentiments for Prashant. And as my wife Deepa is also from Kalimpong in Darjeeling, she has already signed in Prashant for her upcoming Nepali movie. Trust me, I'm really proud of Prashant. Emon was also a very good singer but this is a reality show. And at times fate plays a major role here. Prashant is singing better each day. He has the potential and I'll make sure that I'll do anything to promote him in any capacity I can.
‘Prashant is a fighter’ Anu Malik, Music Composer
We're very sad for Emon to be out of the competition but at the same time I'm personally happy for Prashant. Since, one will bag the title, it's no big deal for anyone of the Top 3 to be eliminated every week. Prashant is a fighter. I'm not saying this just for the shake of telling you but Prashant has always been one of my favorites. Despite not being a trained singer, he has been improving day by day. And I'm highly touched by his Friday night's performance. He was flawless in both singing and performance. He certainly deserved this.
‘He's a fabulous singer’ Javed Akhtar, Lyricist
It's sad that Emon got voted out but I must say Prashant deserved this as he had been working very had. Now it's a very tough competition between Prashant and Amit. [Suddenly someone interrupts our conversation and asks Akhtar who he is talking with? When Javed tells the person that he's talking to a journalist from Nepal, the person (program manager) objects telling him how he could tell who has been ousted in the afternoon when the elimination episode is yet to be aired. Then…] Who told you that Emon got out of the competition? No, the results are not yet out. I just have to say that Prashant is a fabulous singer and he'll surely make through to the finale.
‘Prashant is a survivor’ Alisha Chinnai, Singer
[After the organizer restricted from informing about Emon's elimination] For sure, Prashant has a melodious voice. However, I always thought that Amit and Mayank Chang would reach the finale. Prashant is fortunate in terms of receiving votes. He has tremendous fan following. And in a way it's one of the reasons why he is doing so well. But, we must also admit the fact that Prashant is a survivor. He has that zeal and hunger to win the reality show. He may not be the best singer in comparison to Amit and Emon but who cares? We're looking for a complete package, which he is to a large extent.
Source: The Kathmandu Post, 9th Sept www.ekantipur.com
एउटा नेपाली ‘ठिटा’ लाई विजयी बनाऔं -सुशील न्यौपाने/भर्जेनिया,अमेरिका- -------------------------------------------------------
प्रशान्त तामाङ अहिले चर्चाको नाम हो। उनी कसरी यस स्थितिमा आइपुगे भन्ने ब्याख्याको कुनै आवश्यकता पर्दैन तर अब के गर्ने भन्ने भने आवश्यकताको विषय हो।
प्रशान्त भारतीय नागरिक भएका कारण उनले इन्डियन आइडलको उपाधि हात पार्नु नपार्नु नेपालीको चासोको विषय होइन भन्ने तर्क अघि सार्ने एक छोटे विद्वानले अमेरिकन आइडलमा बंगाली मूलका सञ्जयलाई बंगालीले गरेको समर्थनलाई जोडेका छन्। टाइटलबाटै प्रष्ट छ इन्डियन आइडल भनेको इन्डियन नागरिकका लागि हो। अमेरिकन आइडल भनेको अमेरिकन नागरिक कै लागि हो र यदि नेपाली आइडल सुरु भए नेपाली नागरिक कै लागि हुनेछ। यो कार्यक्रम ‘कपी’ भन्ने पनि भनाई छ तर भनाई राख्नुअघि कार्यक्रमको ‘कपिराइटस्’ सम्बन्धी ज्ञानको प्रयोग गर्नु राम्रो होला। इन्डियन आइडल सबैभन्दा पहिला युकेमा सुरु भएको पप आइडलबाट प्रभावित भई विश्वभर सुरु भएका विभिन्न आइडल कार्यक्रमहरु झैँ बनाइएको हो। सोनी टिभीले आइडल सिरिजका निर्माता फ्रिमान्टल मिडियाबाट कपिराइट्स खरिद गरी चलाएको कार्यक्रम हो।
जहाँसम्म अमेरिकन आइडलमा सञ्जयको समर्थन बंगालीले गरे भन्ने छ त्यसबेला हामीले पनि त्यस परिस्थितिमा दक्षिण एशियाको पक्षमा उभिएको भए बेसै मान्नु पर्ने थियो। यद्यपि दक्षिण एसियाका सबैको चासो भने सञ्जयप्रति थियो नै। समय र परिस्थितिमा कुन समयमा कति परिधिमा रहने भन्ने हेक्का हामीले राख्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। त्यस बेला हामी देशभन्दा बाहिर क्षेत्रीय सीमाको परिधिसम्म पुग्न सक्ने थियौं।
हाम्रा सेलिब्रेटीले के गरे, के गरेनन् त्यो विवादको विषय प्रशान्त तामाङ्ग होइनन्। उदितनारायण झा र मनिषा कोइरालाले नेपाललाई कस्तो सहयोग, असहयोग गरे त्यसको लेखाजोखा गरेर प्रशान्त तामाङ्गलाई सहयोग गर्ने कि नगर्ने भन्ने निर्णय गर्ने पनि बेला होइन यो। प्रशान्त नेपाली मूलको भारतीय नागरिक हो। त्यसैले उ ‘इन्डियन आइडल’को प्रतिस्पर्धामा उत्रिएको छ। प्रशान्त भारतीय नागरिक हो, त्यसैले भारतीय पुलिसमा कार्यरत छ। प्रशान्त तामाङ्ग भारतीय नागरिक भएकै कारण दार्जिलिङमा बस्छ। ढोल ठोकेर भने पनि चुपचाप बसे पनि सबैलाई थाहा छ, उ नेपाली नागरिकता बोकेको मान्छे होइन। अनि आम नेपाली मूलका मानिसलाई यो पनि थाहा छ प्रशान्तले ‘इन्डियन आइडल’को टाइटल जित्नुपर्छ र त्यस जीतका लागि आ-आफ्नो ठाउँबाट सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ, उसमाथि विषवमन गरेर कसैलाई फाइदा छैन।
प्रवासी नेपालीले नेपाल र नेपालीलाई पुर्याएको सहयोग बारे चर्चा गर्दा नेपाली साहित्यको स्थान महत्वपूर्ण हुन आउँछ। प्रवासी नेपालीका रचनाको स्वाद मज्जासँग लिनेले प्रवासी नेपालीलाई नेपाली भन्न सक्नुपर्छ। भारतीय चलचित्रमा ‘डेनी’ हेरेर गर्व गर्नेले प्रशान्त तामाङ्गलाई सहयोग गर्न सक्नुपर्छ। शाहरुख खानकी श्रीमती गौरी नेपाली मूलकी भएको चर्चा गर्नेहरुले पनि प्रशान्तको सफलतामा सहयोग गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। देशभित्रका मात्र नेपाली हुन् भन्ने संकीर्णताको घेरामा घेरिएका दरिद्र मानसिकता भएका बाहेक सम्पूर्ण नेपाली मूलका मानिसले प्रशान्तलाई भावनात्मक रुपमा नेपाली नै मान्ने छन्, कानुनी रुपमा उ सीमापारी भए पनि।
यसै सन्दर्भमा भारतीय मूलका अमेरिकनको स्थितिलाई लिन सकिन्छ। अमेरिकाको साना तथा मझौला व्यापार व्यवसायमा वर्चश्व कायम गर्न सफल भारतीय मूलका अमेरिकन भारतलाई औधि माया गर्छन। उनीहरु भारत र भारतीयलाई सहयोग गर्छन् र गरिरहेकै छन्। नागरिकका हैसियतले यिनीहरु अमेरिकन हुन् तर आत्मीयताको हिसाबले भारतलाई आफ्नो ठान्छन्। पाकिस्तानी, बंगाली र अरुहरुको पनि स्थिति त्यही छ। सानो संख्यामा भएका भए पनि नेपालीहरुको पनि ‘हामी नेपाली हाम्रो नेपाल’ भन्ने नै भावना छ। नेपालमा दमन हुँदा वासिङ्गटनमा नेपालीको चित्त दुखेको थियो। त्यसैले नेपालीहरुले अमेरिकाका विभिन्न शहरवाट खबरदारी गरे। भारतका शहरमा नेपाली जर्मुराए र ‘खबरदार’ भने। विश्वभरी छरिएका नेपालीले स्वरमा स्वर मिलाए। सहयोग जुटाए। नेपाली मरेका छैनन्, जहाँ भए पनि जिउँदै छन्। त्यो भारतमा होस् या अमेरिका, जापान अथवा जर्मनी या अरु कुनै देश। समय र परिस्थितिले कोही सीमा बाहिर छन् कोही सीमाभित्र। भित्र भएकाले बाहिर रहेकालाई सहयोग पुर्याउनु पर्छ भने बाहिर रहेकाको सहयोग सीमा भित्रका लागि हुनु पर्छ। यसो भइ पनि रहेको छ। थिम्पुमा बुट बज्रँदा काठमाडौँ रोएको थियो, मेचीले अंगालो मारिदियो। लाखौंको संख्यामा नेपाली मूलका भुटानी अंगालोमा आइपुगे। यही हाम्रो भावना हो, यही हाम्रो निरन्तरता हो। भुटान, वर्मा र आसामलाई साक्षी राखेर हामी भन्न सक्छौँ जहाँ भए पनि हामी नेपाली हौँ, नेपाल हाम्रो हो।
प्रशान्त तामाङ्गको सन्दर्भमा उनलाई हामी केही ठूलो सहयोग गर्न सक्दैनौँ। सीमा छेउबाट नेपाली समूदायले भारत गई ‘एसएमएस’ गरिरहनु भएको छ यसलाई अझ व्यापक गर्नु पर्छ। भारतमा रहेका कोही नेपाली ‘एसएमएस’ गर्न नछुटनुस्। आ-आफ्ना साथीभाइ, छरछिमेकीलाई पनि सहमत गराउनुस। ‘एस एम एस’ गर्न मिल्ने अन्य मुलुक जस्तै युएई, बहराइन, अोमान, साउदी अरेबिया, कुबेत, कतार र बेलायतका नेपाली साथीहरु समयलाई मध्यनजर राख्नुहोस्। एउटा नेपाली ‘ठिटा’ लाई विजेता बनाऔं। हामी नेपाली नेपालीका लागि हुनुपर्छ। सहयोग पुर्याउन प्राज्ञिक गुड्डीको जरुरत छैन, नेपाली मन चाहिन्छ।
Gangtok, Sept. 9: With Prashant Tamang making it to the gala round in the ongoing Indian Idol contest, locals took out rallies at various places in Darjeeling hills last night to celebrate the dream run of their popular singer. The celebrations lasted till late in the night, with people thronging the streets banging drums and holding placards. After the elimination of Emon Chatterjee of Kolkata last night, Prashant, the heartthrob of Darjeeling hills and Sikkim and Amit Paul of Shillong are left facing each other in the populat music reality show. However, some locals alleged that Prashant's fans in Shillong, the hometown of Amit, are not being allowed to use public booths and recharge their vouchers to vote for him
at 9:10 AM Posted by The Sikkim Times
Labels: sikkim,news,gangtok indian idol, prashant tamang
First off, I would like to congratulate all the Prashant fans who have relentlessly supported him through thick and thin. I am sure he would not have been where he is at without you guys. Having said that, I still doubt his capability to become the idol though. I believe Amit will get all the votes from Emon supporters and that is going to cost Prashant heavily.
I am especially happy for Prashant for the prize money he is going to get. I think he will get at least 50 lakhs and thats a lot of money. It is known to everyone that he is not from a strong economical background. Thus, it will help him tremendously.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate Prashant for making it to the top two. I would rather leave about his singing abilities to you guys because I do not want to generate a feeling of discontent amongst most of the people here. I wish him luck for the next round. Hope he does well.
Thanks for all the links guys. I am sooo happy for Prashant. btw, any idea on how Prashant sang/did on the next gala?? Has that gala round been shot yet??? thnkx in advance.
A Closer Look at the Top 3 Contestants in Indian Idol: Will Prashant prove to be the dark horse at Indian Idol this year?
He is the nicest guy ever, say all those who know Prashant Tamang. With his childlike innocence and his disarming smile, it is hard not to like Prashant. This Nepali cop from Darjeeling has not only done his community and his police force proud, but has become an inspiration to all youngsters who dream of making it big, but don’t have the courage to take that first step. With sheer faith in himself, this youngster has reached the Top three of Indian Idol. It is no mean achievement for one, whose only connection to music was listening to the radio sitting in the forest chowky where he was posted.
“My life has turned full 360 degrees,†he says, “since coming to Indian Idol. I have to pinch myself to realize that it is not a dream; I am indeed here in Mumbai. It is beyond my dreams…†he says with a smile. He is a man of few words, but few know that he is known for his sense of humour amongst his friends. He has been singing in the police band and has been hugely popular.
On Indian Idol, he has moved up in the eyes of the judges and viewers alike, with each passing week. His initial diffidence and reserve nature has off late been replaced with a newfound confidence which has started to reflect in his singing as well. Few know that he strums the guitar too. Annu Malek never fails to praise his courage and determination to reach the top. “Prashant has worked really hard to get here and I will not be disappointed if he is the next Indian Idol,†says the hard to please music director. If Annu Malek sees the potential in Prashant, then he sure has what it takes to win the title.
To Vote, SMS PRASHANT to 52525 or Call 19024242525 02 from BSNL/MTNL Landline 5052525 02 from Airtel Mobile /Landline (india-forums)
The following link can work like a charm for Prashant. People there talk about the Indian Idol being a fixed program. They say Amit is fixed to win already so no need to waste money voting. Well, if this idea spreads like a wild fire then that may help Prashant. His (Prashant's) voters vote for him anyway.
aba ma ni herchhu indian idol ta...sabbai nepali lai taanya tyai prashant lay garda ho ..natra pore paraar ni bhayekkai ho ni indian idol..khai tha patto kyai naai!!...aba ko ramro bhanni sandharva cha ,..tesko laagi ma ni AMIT lai nai ramro bhanchu if I need to compare him with PRashant tara sabbai cheeze ramro bhayera mattai pugdaina...
yasto kurama ko ramro cha tellai bhot gara bhannu khali propogonda mattai ho AMIT lai jitawuna....aba ewuta paaati ramro cha bhanni ta tha bhai haalcha ni alik chhin game heresi ..kina ta 2 paati chhutinchhan ra hohalla huncha? sabbai lay ethics herni ho bhaney handey bhaigo ni ewuttai posta goal..kina hanneyduita pole bekkara ewuta ta kamjore nai cha aakhir?...ki kaso?
tyo mula indian haru ni badmaas ..Tyo AMrikan idol ma chai mula SAnjaya lai kanndha chadhayera yassai yassai mathi puraye kasta kasta hoanhaar lai khasalera..teti bela ka go ethics? jo ramro wooslai purawuni ho bhaney ta kina indian media lay tyo malakaar bbajjey lai tyati highlight garya ni!!!...
ailey ayera sabbai bhatey haru ethics khojni...mero chhoro lay bhaag lyo bhaney ma chhoro lai ni SMS garchu ni chahe gadha ko jasto swore nai kina nahose .....bawu ko ethics chhoro lai jitawuni rey kya :-)
pheri prashant ko kamjori bhanya terling ewuta ta ho ni..terling paye..swore ta chhandai cha ni ( natural norn killer)....tyo mula annu mallik ko chori lay gawuna huni bicha ayera...ethics ko kura garni bhey tyo bhanda ni ramro they holaan ni abrupt stage performance ko laagi? Ka gaye teska bawu ethics tetti bela?...
garam garam...prashant lai SMS haalam... milni bhey ek haat 10/15 wata haaldim....
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