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Reason for joining: "community service"


This is a non profit organization working to greet and facilitate the people who are buried in ignorance, scarcity and aggression as well as appreciatiation to put together and build up a conviction in mutual brotherhood and proceed for civilization. Our organization also focused on class and religious conviction, separation and standardizes the spirit of brotherhood to amalgamate of all the human kind.

"THE WHITE ZONE" is a corporation registered in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California for public and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3), Internal Revenue Code.

We have follwoing objectives:
  • ? Help unite Nepali origin youth in our community to foster their interest
  • ? Develop online youth networking forum to share ideas for self development and success
  • ? Help create Nepali Youth fraternal organizations in other part of the US/world
  • ? Help enhance the competency of Nepali origin Youth to engaged in mainstream government business/civic activities
  • ? Help people during the time of conflict, scarcity and calamity.
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