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Blog Type:: Poems
Saturday, May 13, 2006 | [fix unicode]

बिचारका बन्दुकहरु

काडांले घोच्यो तिमीलाई,रगताम्ये भए अङ्गहरु
तैपनि सबैलाई फूलले नै स्वागत गर्‍यौ
आफ्ना सम्झि बिश्वास गर्यो,थिएनन् ति तिम्रा गल्तिहरु।

त्यसैले चलाउ बिचारका बन्दुकहरु
भत्काईदेउ स्वार्थले भरिएका सम्बन्धहरु
बगे बग्छ खोला यंहा,खेल रगतका होलीहरु।

आखिर के पायौ त,घात बाहेक,अनि प्रतिघात बाहेक
त्यसैले जलाईदेउ तिनका सम्झना अनि बाचाहरु
चलाईदेउ,बिचारका क्ष्येप्यास्त्र अनि मिसाईलहरु।

भगवानको रूप लिएर तिम्रा अगाडि यि दानव प्रकट हुनेछन्
साबधान ! लाक्क्ष्या गृह तयार भै रहेछ तिम्रो लागि
त्यसैले तयार गर तिम्रा बिचारका गाण्डिभहरु।

मुसुक्क हांस्दै झुत्तिए तिम्रा आंगनमा ति जालिहरु
सुरक्षित भबिष्यको पुर्ण बिराम खोजेका थियौ तिमिले
यिनले त दिए केबल,अन्योल अनि सुरक्षामा प्रश्न चिन्हहरु।

त्यसैले सिहंनाद गर्दै चलाउ बिचारका बन्दुकहरु
तोडिदेउ ति स्वार्थले उभ्याईएका टहराहरु
बगे बग्छ खोला यहां, खेल रगतका होलीहरु।

उत्तम अपहेलित
मार्केट युनिभर्सिटि
मिलवाकी, वीस्कन्सिन
मिति: जनवरी २२, २००६

साबधान - नाता रगतको

उसलाई तिम्रो आंशु सित के वास्ता
उ आफ्नै दुनियाँमा हाँसी रहेको हुन्छ
आश्रय खोज्दै तिमी उसको छेउ पुगौला
उ आफ्नै प्रकृती* सँग खेली रहेको हुन्छ।

तिम्रो धर्म संग उसलाइ केहि सबाल छैन भने
तिम्रो धर्म, उसलाई अधर्म हुन सक्छ
उसको धर्मले तिमिलाई पराई ठान्छ भने
"नाता रगतको","भ्रम" तिम्रो तोडिदिये हुन्छ।

उसले न्याय सबै चाटिसक्यो
अन्यायले तिमिलै नै झाटिसक्यो
सोझो औलाले घिउ आउदैन भने
अब औला बंगाये हुन्छ।

साबधान !
आफ्नो सम्झि मन-पेट फुकाउला तिमि
उसले तिमिलाई आफ्नो नठानेको पनि हुन्छ,
उस्को अगाडि किन आफ्ना चोट देखाछौ तिमि
बन्द कोठामा ढुंगाको मुर्ति "अङालि" बरु रोए हुन्छ।

उत्तम अपहेलित
मार्केट युनिभर्सिटि
मिलवाकी, वीस्कन्सिन
Date - 2-10-06

   [ posted by Uttam "Apahelit" @ 02:36 PM ] | Viewed: 2056 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Saturday, April 08, 2006 | [fix unicode]

km"n / kYy/sf] b]jtf M d, dlGb/ / d]/f] cfZyf

/f]P/ /ftx?

p:sf] cfFvfdf

Pp6f hLpFbf] ;kgf b]V5g\

u'nfasf] km"n

/ To:sf dd{x?

dfG5]sf] kfOnf d'lGt/

ha ljlb0f{ aG5g\

p:sf] ;kgf p;Fu} dl/lbg ;S5 .

b]jtf x'g' t


g af]Ng'k5{ g xfF:g'k5{

g ?g'k5{ g /f]Ph:tf] ug'{k5{

k"hf ug]{x? ul//x]s} x'G5g\


t/, x/]s rf]l6 dlGb/ hfFbf

d]/f] cfZyf

yf]/} yf]/} lavlG8t\ eO{/x]sf] x'G5

d e|d/ x'g ;lSbg



km"nx? km"n]/

Pp6f zfGt ljikmf]6 55{g\

Df}fg cft+ssf]



Tolx Pp6f km"n 5 / t

Pp6f ;'jf; 5

Pp6f ;f}Gbo{ 5

Pp6f hLjg / To:sf dd{x? 5g\

/ zfob d x'g'sf] cy{ klg .


dlGb/x?df d]/f] cfZyf

lavlG8t x'G5

Tolt w]/}

dlGb/x? wfO{/x]sf] x'G5' d

km"n kflt af]s]/

kYy/sf] b]jtfnfO{ r9fpg

t/ lsg <

d lg?Q/ 5'F cfh;Dd

   [ posted by Abhay Aryal @ 04:04 PM ] | Viewed: 1664 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Saturday, April 08, 2006 | [fix unicode]

w]/}h;f] d/]/ cln–cln afFRb}5'

?Fbf–?Fbf yfs]/ cln–cln xfF:b}5F'

dl/xfNg ;lsFb}g d[To" To;} cfpFb}g

afFRg}kg]{ eP/ dfq cln–cln afFRb}5'F

ul/asf] 3/sf s'/f ;kgf b]Vg' kfk x'G5

5tf5'Nn ;kgf ;a} cln–cln ;fFRb}5'

x/]s lrh x/]s gftf ;a} e|d x'g\ t/

tf]l8Psf gftf ;a} cln–cln ufF:b}5'F

ceo cof{n

   [ posted by Abhay Aryal @ 04:03 PM ] | Viewed: 1711 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Saturday, April 08, 2006 | [fix unicode]

aunLdf 5"/f / 5

afrfs;d ;a} ltd|f] kmut dfq s'/f / 5
d'vdf dfq /fd ltd|f] aunLdf 5"/f / 5 .

b]vfa6L afgL ltd|f] agfa6L Aoaxf/
ltd|f] gftf If0fe/d} km'6Lhfg] r'/f / 5 .

cfkm\g} ;DemL ltdLnfO{ ;f“rf] d]/f] dg b]y]“
ltd|f] rf“xL sf];]nLgL 7fpm“ 7fpm“ lr/f / 5 .

b]vfP/ ;kgf dnfO{ ljklgdf 3ft u/\of}
ltDn] b]sf] kfgL klg laif} laifsf] ;'/f / 5 .

;dfhsf] s'/f uYof}{ oyfy{sf] s'/f uYof}{
t/ ltd|f] dg}e/L sfnf]d}nf] k'/f / 5 .

lrKnf] ld7f] af]nLaf]Nb} lgbf]{ifem}“ ub{Yof}
cfvL/df ltd|f] lx;L gSsnL kf] lx/f / 5 .

las|d s|dz

   [ posted by Bikram Kramasha @ 04:00 PM ] | Viewed: 1614 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Saturday, March 11, 2006 | [fix unicode]

]lift x'G5

d s]xL xf]Og
;+;f/ s]xL xf]Og
6]a'naf6 3l8 p7fpF5'
s}b u5'{
d]/f] gf8Ldf s}b x'G5
l7� plePsf] 306f3/ .

   [ posted by Sabina Sindhu @ 08:47 AM ] | Viewed: 1870 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Sunday, January 22, 2006 | [fix unicode]

;":tl/ ltd|f] g/d xfynfO{
5"g dg nfU5
xTs]nfdf ;hfP/ ltd|f] d'xf/nfO{
r'Dg dg nfU5 .

;Dxfn]/ cª\ufnf]df sf]dn abgnfO{
v";L a9fO{lbp“sL
qmdzM dfof ul/ tLd|f] cw/nfO{
cfTdf t[Kt u/fO{lbp“sL
ltdLnfO{ k|Lo d]/f] lhGbuL agfO{lbp“sL

h'gL h'gL e/LnfO{ ltd|} dfq
x"g dg nfU5
xTs]nfdf ;hfP/=========

v]nfp“b} s]znxl/
z/L/e/L ;a} 3'dLlbp“sL
hL:Sofp“b} kmsfp“b}
dge/L dfof 5/Llbp“sL
ltdLnfO{ k|Lo d]/f] lhGbuL agfO{lbp“sL

xfd|f] ldngsf] ;kgfx?nfO{
a'Gg dg nfU5
xTs]nfdf ;hfP/ ltd|f] d'xf/nfO{
r'Dg dg nfU5 .

   [ posted by Bikram Kramasha @ 11:31 PM ] | Viewed: 1763 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Sunday, November 27, 2005 | [fix unicode]

;DdfggLo ;Hhgj[Gb
tkfO{"sf] 38Ldf slt aHof] v}
d]/f] t 38Ldf dfq x}g
lhGbuLd} 7\ofSs} afx| ah]sf] 5 .

eGgnfO{ t of] g]kfnL 38L
cd]l/sfsf] 38L eGbf
afx| 3G6f rf"8f] 5
t/ lsg xf] s;/L xf]
d]/f] g]kfnL 38L
rf"8f] x}g ls, b'O{;o aif{ l9nf] 5 .

a]6|L sfd gnfUg] eP/ xf] ls
rfla nfpg g} eÒn]/ xf] ls
plxn] b]lvg} la:tf/ rNYof]
rNYof] s] /
o;f] 3'd] h:tf] uYof]{
6fO{d:Sjfo/ sf] 38Ldf
clxn] slt aHof] v} ;Hhga[Gb,
d]/f] t 38Ldf dfq x}g
lhGbuLd} 7\ofSs} afx| ah]sf] 5 .

d]/f] of] g]kfnL 38Lsf]
;]s]G8 ;"O{sf] s"g} cQf]kQf] 5}g
ldg]6 ;"O{ klg aiff}{ eof}
rn]sf] 5}g
3G6f ;"O{ t emg plx 3G6 h:tf] 5
g7f]ls d/LuP ;b}{g
eGof a]nfdf t emg
;f9] ;ft afx]s s]lx klg aHb}g
tkf"O{ t 3fd x]/]/
;do atfO{ lbg"x'G5 /]
To;}n] elglbg'; g ;Hhga[Gb
slt aHof]
d]/f] t 38Ldf dfq x}g
lhGbuLd} 7\ofSs} afx| ah]sf] 5 .

of] g]kfnL 38Ldf w]/}n] xft xfn]
b]z lab]zdf nu]/ eP klg
dd{t ;Dxf/sf] k|of; u/]
t/ v} clxn] ;Dd s]lx ePg
slt ubf{ klg aGb} ag]g
o; g]kfnL 38Lsf] ;'wf/ ug{
slt b]z cfP slt P8 cfP
slt a}+s wfP, slt k|f]h]S6 cfP
t/ 38L eg] h:tf To:t}
k'/fg} rfndf 5 p:tf p:t}
x}g ;Hhga[Gb, tkf“O{sf] 38L t
O{Dkf]6]{8 xf] /]
af]lnlbg"; g slt aHof]
d]/f] t 38Ldf dfq x}g
lhGbuLd} 7\ofSs} afx| ah]sf] 5 .

38Lsf] Pp6f ;"O{nfO{
e|i6frf/ / b'/frf/sf]
lvof nfu]sf] 5
Tof] klg dfO{nf bfO{sf] O{zf/fdf rN5
38Lsf] Pp6f ;"O{nfO{r}+
lg/“s"ztf / s"k|;f;gsf]
donn] 5f]k]sf] 5
Tof] klg a8f bfO{n] dfq 3'dfpg ;S5g
csf]{ df]6f] ;"O{sf] t emg
xfnt a]xfn 5
gftfafb s[kfafb clg
;Qfdf]xsf] l;qmLn] hsl8Psf] 5
Tof] klg :jfly{ ;f“O{nfsf] e/df lxG5
ca tkf“O{g} eGg'; ;Hhga[Gb
To:tf] 38L s;/L rN5
a? tkf“O{sf] 38L x/fe/f ;kmf 5 /]
slt aHof] g9f“6L atfO{lbg'; g
d]/f] t 38Ldf dfq x}g
lhGbuLd} 7\ofSs} afx| ah]sf] 5 .

ca x]g"{; t larNnL
To:tf] sxfnLnfUbf] cj:yfsf] 38LnfO{
slxn] h“unsfn] aGb u5{g
slxn] ;8ssfn] aGb u5{g
t/, hlt aGb u/] klg
adn] k8sfP klg
uf]nLn] bfu] klg
/utn] g} ntkt agfP klg
of] 38L rn]s} 5
afx|} eP klg ah]s} 5
lt lau|]sf 6"6]sf / lvof nfu]sf ;"O{x?
;kmf ;"U3/ agfO{ rDsfP/
Ps} 7fpm“df ldnfP/
rNg] agfP/
l7s s;n] u/fpg] xf]nf
sf]xL To:tf] dxfdlxnf
jf dxfk'?if 5 / <

ljqmd qmdzM

c/Lhf]gf, cd]l/sf

   [ posted by Bikram Kramasha @ 10:01 AM ] | Viewed: 1201 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Saturday, September 17, 2005 | [fix unicode]


If loving you is wrong.
I don't want to be right!
I don't want to kill my feelings
I don't want to fight.

If dreaming of you is wrong
I don’t want to dream right!
I don’t want to trap my heart
I don’t want any night.

If my one sided love seems wrong to you
I don’t want to expect both sided love from you
I don’t want you to feel the same
I don’t want to be attached with your name.

If I am incapable explain me why? Coz,
I don’t want to live being speck on your eye.
I don’t want to disturb your life
I don’t want to be a sharp knife.

If your heart do not matches with me
I don’t want to surround you as bee.
I don’t want you to feel bad and bored
I will move away without uttering a word

But my love will never die
I love you forever, although you have said bye
My love and wishes will always follow your way
God! Help him reach at the top is what I will pray.

Thank you

   [ posted by Bijaya Poudyal @ 06:10 AM ] | Viewed: 1335 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Monday, August 29, 2005 | [fix unicode]

g gkfO{ em/]sf]
s;}n] l6Kg g;s]sf]
s;}n] e]6\g g;s]sf]
Tof] sfnf] u'nfkm
dnfO{ vf]lh 5 .
xf], To;}sf]
h;n] /�x?nfO{ 9fS5 .
w"jfFx?nfO{ cf]sN5 .
;]tf]sf] gfdf]lg;fg d]6\5 .
/ 9flslbG5,
;Dk"0f{ cl:tTjnfO{

ToxL sfnf] u'nfkm
sf] vf]lh 5 dnfO{
lsgeg] d
xfl/;s]sf] 5' ,
/lQmd u'nfkm b]lv
/ftf] u'nfkm b]lv
km'Ng gkfPsf]
;]tf] u'nfkm b]lv . .

   [ posted by Sabina Sindhu @ 10:13 PM ] | Viewed: 1382 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Sunday, August 21, 2005 | [fix unicode]

The songs of happiness

- Swagat Raj Pandey

When flowers cease to grow

When rivers stop their flow

The world stands still

But I don't feel any chill.

It's nothing on the breathing air

Nor the eventful fun fair

Life plays the unfailing fouls

But I pass down the without any falls.

Stop! Stop and take a look now

Why I say such a thing with vow?

I know, I know I have the best

That keeps me apart from the rest

Lucky as I call myself to be

Smiling as my heart says to thee

With my inner heart's treasure

I salute with endless measure

Thank you as I keep saying

And stand here praying

Life! For giving me the lift

The loveliest of the all the gift.

   [ posted by Swagat Raj Pandey @ 09:58 PM ] | Viewed: 1273 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Friday, April 15, 2005 | [fix unicode]

Please Don't

Please don't
break another home
Because you lost someone you loved
Don't stop someone else to love!

Please don't
make another mom cry
Because of the blood someone shed
Don't make her children suffer your hate!

Please don't
make another poor pay
Because of the game some people played
Don't overhear what they have to say!

Please don't
make this world a battlefield
Because you want to win
How many lives you have to kill!

   [ posted by Liza Devkota @ 11:43 PM ] | Viewed: 1490 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Friday, April 15, 2005 | [fix unicode]

For my daughter Jayani

When I wake up in the morning
you show me a beautiful smile
I look into your eyes
they dig right into my soul
I feel a satistfactiction when i hold you
A precious gift of nature i received
when i had you.

Every single day thatt we spend together
is woven with joy that will last forever
I know things will be different sometime in future
as time change and we change
But what do i care for tomorrow
when i have my little girl
In my arms today.

By: Liza Devkota

   [ posted by Liza Devkota @ 11:42 PM ] | Viewed: 1564 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | [fix unicode]

बुद्धको देशमा
राजन काफ्ले

मात्रृभूमि नेपाल !
कस्तो छ तिम्रो हाल ?
सुनेको छु तिम्रो शान्त परिवेश
हो, गौतम बुद्ध जन्मेको देश !
अब त आगतको इतिहासमा लेखिने छ
तिम्रा सन्ततिका किताबमा देखिनेछ
अतितमा हाम्रो देश
हो, बुद्ध जन्मेको देश !
धर्तिमा शान्तिको दियो बनेर
अविरल प्रज्वलित थियो भनेर।

बुद्धको आँखा खुलेको देश
एशियाको ज्योति बलेको देश
जहाँबाट संसारमा फैलिएको थियो
शान्ति र अहिंशाको सन्देश
देवि देवताको क्रिडाभूमि
ऋषि महर्षिको तपोभूमि
जहाँ कलकल बग्छन् नारायणी र बाग्मति
जहाँ चन्चल हुन्थे सीता र पार्वति
स्वयम्भू र पशुपतिको देश
सगरमाथा र माछापुच्छ्रेको देश
जहाँ शान्तिका लागि मन्दिरमा परेवा उडाइन्छ
हरेक विहान वेद, गीता र त्रिपिटक गाइन्छ
हरेक घरमा साँझबत्ति वालिन्छ
जहाँ दीपको पर्व दीपावलि मनाइन्छ
महामानव बुद्धको देश
शान्तिकामी जनाताको देश
जहाँ देशको माटो बचाउन
ज्यानको शपथ खाइन्थ्यो
जहाँ आमाको अस्मिता जोगाउन
निष्फिक्री रगत वगाइन्थ्यो
ति वीर गोर्खालीहरुको देश
निस्वार्थ देशभक्तहरुको देश !


मात्रृभूमि नेपाल !
कस्तो छ तिम्रो हाल ?
सुनेको छु अहिले त तिम्रो देशमा
बुद्ध जन्मिएको देशमा
शान्तिमय अतितको अवशेष मात्र वाँकि छ
जताततै अशान्ति र हिंशाको मात्र झाँकि छ ।
तिम्रा मन्दिरका देवताहरु
अकस्मात सिमा पार गर्छन रे
तिम्रा गुम्बाका ध्यानमग्न बुद्धहरु
अचानक समुन्द्र तर्छन रे
शान्तका लागि छाडिएका परेवाहरु
तिम्रै सन्तानका भोजन बन्छन रे
वेद र गीता मन्त्रोच्चारण गर्ने ओंठहरुमा
मादक सोमरसका प्यालाहरु पुग्छन रे
हातमुख जोर्ने विवसतामा तिम्रा गोर्खाली वीरहरु
अर्काको माटोमा रगत बगाएर वहादुर वन्छन रे
बुद्धका सन्तानहरु हातमा बन्दुक र मोर्टर लिएर
शून्य रातमा 'शान्ति' खोज्दै हिड्छन रे
तिम्रो शान्तिप्रिय देशमा
हो, बुद्ध जन्मेको देशमा ।
बुद्ध जन्मेकै हाम्रो देशमा ।।

१० पौष, सामाखुसी, काठमाण्डौ।

   [ posted by Rajan Kafle @ 07:45 AM ] | Viewed: 1505 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Thursday, March 31, 2005 | [fix unicode]

Far away
Too far
I can't go on
Yet I love him
His existence seems unreal
Almost a dream
Why do I put myself through this?
Because I love him
And he loves me.

What will I do
To pass the time?
I will think of him,
But that causes pain
Along with the happiness
But I must think of him
Cause my mind will not focus
On anything else.

Time drags so slowly
24 hours or days?
I do not know
All I know is
It's too long
To be away from him.

I want to fall into him
Lose myself in him
Be one with him
Cause he is my light
In the darkness
I would go to him
But distance is
A cruel thing.

The phone rings
No I can't come out tonight
They ask why... but
I can't tell the truth
Cause they would only laugh

I have business to attend to
Goodbye i say
I am alone again
Unseeing Unthinking Unwanting
Except for his warm skin
Close to mine
My whole body screams
Let him come to me
But he can't
Or won't?
He would come if I could
Wouldn't he?
Maybe he would
But the thought is too terrible
He wouldn't.

I know him,
He loves me
I smile again
Our love is tangible
A living reality
Breathing... keeping faith alive
Living for the day
That we finally meet.

   [ posted by Pooja K @ 06:24 AM ] | Viewed: 1685 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Friday, February 25, 2005 | [fix unicode]

We met online
Oh yes we did
In the beginning you were
Just someone I talked with.

Weeks passed and all of a sudden
My view towards you changed and
I started to think about you all the time.

Every day I wake up knowing
What I did and said
I'm sorry for hurting you
And i am regretting the decision
I make when i grrrrr.;)

Of all the chaos
That has engulfed my thought
You have been my focus to all.

Sometimes you can read my mind
And tell me exactly what I want to hear
But then again baby
There are times
When you aren't on the same level
Which makes me grrrrrr.

But regardless of how much that can frustrate me
I still look forward to your voice
But babe dont forget that
No matter what happens
I will be eternally grateful for everything you gave

But then again baby
I dont want anything to happen
Cause you have entered my life
And now you gotta stick with this life
Which makes our destiny.

''A little faith will bring your soul to heaven; A great faith will bring heaven to your soul. ''

   [ posted by Pooja K @ 11:41 AM ] | Viewed: 1799 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 | [fix unicode]

For many years, day and night
Since she first came in sight
I loved her with all my emotions
With Pure notions of love,
Little desires, no obsessions

The image of a lady in red
Dwelt in my eyes and never faded
As the sun shined till the moon rose
She epitomized my love
Thus it harbours and grows.

I woke up with her silent call
And moved with her shadow tall
I talked to her all along the way
Couldn't keep my love
Any single moment away

I clasped my hand strong with her
With affection full of fervour
Her presence only in thoughts though
It was an unblemished love
Yes, I truly believed so

Years passed by and my love grew
All it was dedicated and true
A belief that was no blind
Unscathed remained my love
And got deep-rooted in mind.

We laughed together in happy dream
And wept together in situations grim
With all the ordeals and all the bliss
Placid we remained in course of love
And exchanged gentle cuddle and kiss.

However that was a love of thought
Pure and perfect, unexpressed but
today, came the gale and blew my fence
shattered my dream and cost my love
this is the travesty of silence.

Greenford, London

   [ posted by Rajan Kafle @ 10:32 AM ] | Viewed: 1471 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Sunday, January 16, 2005 | [fix unicode]

A loving angel came to me in dreams.
He showed me life's not always what it seems
And brought me to a place where sweet dreams live.
He gave me a gift that I now give...
A dreamer's dream.

He whispered....

Take my hand and I will lead you through
A place where only sweet dreams can come true.
Close your eyes and open your heart,
For then this flight of dreams so sweet can start.

He brought me through the darkness to the light
Where colors wrapped around me, such delight
A patchwork quilt of beauty without seams
Each color was a rainbow full of dreams,

He led me through the hallway of pure sound
With doors flung open widely all around.
And from each room a song would gently play,
I wished with all my heart that I could stay
In this dreamer's dream.

But we drifted in the fragrance of the breeze
To savor all the flowers and the trees
We tasted all of life that we could see
And felt it flow as one in harmony
We dreamed in this dreamer's dream.

Then my angel turned his eyes to me and said,
You are the keeper of these Dreams inside your head.
Find sweet dreamers who would dream of
Love and Light
These dreams will lead them safely through the night.

And so I am the Keeper of this Dream...it's true,
But I offer all my dreams to each of you.
May their loving sweetness visit you each night
And fill your soul with love and warmth and light.

Pooja K

   [ posted by Pooja K @ 08:32 AM ] | Viewed: 1594 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Monday, January 03, 2005 | [fix unicode]

Love is such a mystery
At times you don't know how long it could be
One day you are so happy then you have a doubt
You wonder if it will ever work out.

You are giving as times goes by
You feel as if its all a lie
Confused in your heart by whats going on
You are not sure if the feelings are gone.

You are certain its over and you feel so blue
Then you make up and its like new
You think about all the times you shared
And you realize that you really do care.

There are moments together that feel so right
Even though many times you argue and fight
There are so many times that you cried
But you cant let go and you haven't denied
That deep down inside you'll always care
And you understand that love is whats there.

Pooja K

   [ posted by Pooja K @ 12:34 PM ] | Viewed: 1836 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Monday, January 03, 2005 | [fix unicode]

It was like a dream come true
When he arrived with a tattered suitcase
Stuffed with, among other things,
Torn underwear and an old wedding-suit.

He jumped the cues, with White men,
Smiled with servitude
Looked like a duck in the group of swans
But he was hard-working like a donkey
Followed instructions like a trained monkey,
And was sincere like a dog.

That handsomely paid him back
He prospered
Both in profession and possession.

He began to enjoy English jokes
Learnt to use knife and fork
Though with certain inhibition,
He wore swan’s clothes.

When drunk, he spoke of difficult days back home:
How his parents struggled to send him school
How they lacked proper food
How entire villages suffered from poverty
And those in positions lacked morality.

He belongs to the upper-middle class
Sometimes acts like an aristocrat
But he rarely donates to charities,
Supports the Conservatives
With whom, he thinks
The rich pay less tax.

And this morning
His son told me
How, sometimes, he feels a bit embarrassed –
That his father wears swan’s clothes
But still has a duck’s heart.

09 December 2004

   [ posted by Rabindra Mishra @ 12:33 PM ] | Viewed: 1744 times [ Feedback]


Blog Type:: Poems
Monday, December 13, 2004 | [fix unicode]

Its 3am and I am still wide awake.
My mind running amok
Through the piles of possibilities,
to justify what you have said today.

Emotions frozen
it would be lame to dig my face under my arms and cry.
So I sit like a man
watching a corpse being cremated,
The cloud thickening into an integration of melancholies.

I sit here…
like my senses have been numbed
like something must have gone wrong.

I have liked you, since the last ten years
it doesn’t matter.
If you know now,
you might say I’m insane
That doesn’t make you like me back.

I tried to express it
By drawing a circle
by referring to my emptiness
In a blinded hope that you will fill that vacuum
since someone had told me
Love doesn’t have a shape.

You try to form words
I never knew you were in a constant effort to form words
For me.
I contradicted myself
In loving you
And saying that love has no identity of its own.

My reality was never your reality.
Many times
You must have let love slip through your fingers,
gauged it,
Felt it inside out
and trashed it.

It was too late to realize
that love,
Came in bundles
Of beauty

But I let it flow…
you know,
Let it metamorphose into abstractness
let it steal reality
Turn rose petals into a morbid artifact sometimes…
let it roam illegal.

I therefore still sit here
struggling to comprehend
Find a correlation may be,
between the cheap love songs
And the delirium of having loved someone…

   [ posted by [Dipika] @ 07:48 AM ] | Viewed: 2026 times [ Feedback]
